In grades 8 and 9 we offer accounting, in addition to EMS accounting, as an elective, together with computer literacy. Accounting serves to better prepare learners for the subject in grades 10-12, and the computer literacy introduces learners to the world of computers, as well as possibly taking CAT (Computer Application Technology) or IT (Information Technology) as choice subjects in grades 10-12.
In the FET (Further Education and Training) phase, the Enterprise Management department offers five different subjects from which learners can make their choice.
Transactions, as well as the compilation, analysis and interpretation of financial statements and managerial reports for use by interested parties.
Teaches how individuals, businesses, governments and other organizations within our society choose to use scarce resources to satisfy their numerous needs and wants in a manner that is efficient and equitable.
Business studies:
Investigates how private and public enterprises can be managed best to achieve profit and other objectives. The subject lays a sound foundation for learners to initiate and/or carry out business activities effectively within a national and international context.
Information Technology (IT):
Focuses on activities that deal with the solution of problems through logical thinking. They study Excel and SQL and then the majority of time is spent on programming in Delphi.
Computer Application Technology (CAT):
Equips learners with the ability to create, design and communicate information in different formats. They study the five different Windows Applications. Word processing, spreadsheets in Excel, database in Access, presentations in PowerPoint and Internet Explorer.
During the first term of the year Enterprise Management learners have a market day where they learn about the production and trade of products. In this way they get first-hand experience of how a business operates in the real world.
The grade 12 accounting learners take part in the Accounting Olympiad by SAIC (South African Institute of Charted Accountants). Our learners always perform admirably in this Olympiad and several of our learners have achieved excellent results in the past. Our top accounting student who are interested in careers as accountants are also invited every year by Price Waterhouse Coopers and the University of Pretoria to attend a workshop during the June / July holidays. The workshop gives the learners a good insight about what being what being a charted accountant entails. Every year, some of our learners are offered bursaries to go and study Accounting by various companies such as PWC, Delloit and KPMG.
Our National Senior Certificate results have consistently been above the average achieved by learners from other schools in our district.
The Enterprise Management department, as one of the six focus areas offered at Pro Arte Alphen Park, is the study field that focuses on all the commercial subjects. It is also the study field with the biggest variety of subjects to choose from, as well as the largest number of learners.
- There's no limit to what free men and free women in a free market with free enterprise can accomplish when people are free to follow their dream. JACK KEMP
Ms Marie-Louise Nel
- Enterprise Department
- +27 (0) 12 460 6222 x 1129
- proarteit@proarte.co.za