World Health Day

Our world is an unequal one – this is not only unfair: it’s preventable.


On World Health Day the World Health Organisation specifically focus on campaigning for a fairer, healthier world.  Use this month to support them in ‘Building a fairer, healthier world’, as it is particularly relevant to us South Africans.


As COVID-19 has pointed out, some individuals are able to live healthier lives and have greater access to health services than others, owing solely to the circumstances under which they are born, develop, live, work, and age.

Some populations across the world struggle to make ends meet with less daily income, inferior housing and schooling, fewer career prospects, higher gender inequality, and little or no access to secure surroundings, clean water and air, food security, and health services. This causes undue pain and suffering, as well as unneeded sickness and death. It also has a negative impact on our society and economies.

This is not only unjust; it is also avoidable. That is why we are calling on leaders to guarantee that everyone has healthy living and working environments. At the same time, we encourage leaders to keep an eye on health disparities and to ensure that everyone has access to quality health care when and when they need it.

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on all countries, but it has been especially severe in communities that were already vulnerable, as they are more vulnerable to the disease, have less access to quality health care services, and are more likely to suffer negative consequences as a result of pandemic containment measures.



#equalityforall  #healthforall  #qualityhealthcareforall